This type therapy Doctors Do to Stop Smoking Addiction

Effectiveness of using electric cigarettes as a tool to assist the process of removing a person addicted to cigarettes has been denied by the doctor . Then how doctors can stop the addiction to cigarettes ?
Dr. Tribowo Ginting , Sp.KJ said there are two types of therapy that can be done to eliminate a person's addiction to cigarettes . The first therapeutic use of the drug , while the second treatment is behavioral therapy .
" Drug therapy is the process of using smoking cessation drugs . Such drugs would work by covering the sensor is sensitive to dikotin in a person's brain , so he no longer felt the need and nicotine addiction , " said Dr. Tribowo when contacted detikHealth and written on Thursday ( 6 / 3/2014 ) .
While behavioral therapy is the treatment of smoking based on the science of psychiatry and psychology . The first thing to look for is the cause of the smoke . If the cause is unknown , the healing process will go much easier .
Stop Smoking Clinic doctors in the Friendship Hospital said some of the causes of the smoke among others want to try , family issues , to environmental influences .
" So when it is a known cause , our new therapy . Example by teaching them how to say no to smoking or other habits taught as a substitute for smoking , " said the doctor graduated from the University of Indonesia .
Well , to help you quit smoking , detikHealth have some way summarized from various sources . How to include:
1 . stop immediatelyToday you are still smoking , quit the next day at all . For most people , this is the most successful way done .
2 . delayPut off while smoking . For example, on the first day of quit attempts , the first cigarette smoked one hour after iftar , do not smoke when breaking the direct arrival . The next day , the first cigarette smoked after breaking two hours . The day after tomorrow , the first cigarette smoked after breaking three hours . Then , the next day after breaking four hours the next day and had not smoked at all . Each time delay can also be done two days later .
3 . reductionEvery day , the number of cigarettes smoked gradually reduced by an amount equal to zero on the day of the rods . For example, the first 10 rods , and one or two- day interval was reduced to 8 rods and so on .