Rice Benefits For Skin Beauty

LintasHealthy - Various benefits of rice for skin beauty - Who sich who are not familiar with the rice? Moreover, every day we must meet at our dinner table, as a food that can increase the energy in our body. Friend Fabeluna want to know g, it turns out other than as an addition to carbohydrates in our bodies, rice also has benefits for skin beauty loch, it's good for skin beauty facial or body skin. Not only readily available way of its use is very easy loch, so that friends can create your own skin for beauty care companions.

Moreover since the first Japanese women and women from Thailand bequeath to their children and grandchildren for generations to always use rice as a skin care beauty, so many Japanese women and Thailand have white skin and smooth body. Companions also khan would want to have white skin and delicate like a Japanese woman? (Not just friends loch, I also want ko, hehehhe ...) But friends do not have to worry, because a friend can get the skin as they are, if the friend followed the ways and benefits of rice for skin beauty below .. Let's check this out.

Before I give you a way to get white and smooth, I will give a little information about the benefits of rice for skin care:

- Rice mempuyai contains Vitamin E, which can be useful to nourish the skin so that always looked younger.
- Besides having Vitamin E content, also has a rice contains Vitamin B, which is always used in a variety of cosmetic products for skin whitening.
- Rice has oryzanol substances that can help to renew the skin pigment melanin and is useful as an antidote to the skin to ultraviolet light.
- The chemical structure present in rice can contribute to the regeneration and growth of cells that have been damaged or kuliy dead.
- Rice has ferulic acid content which serves as an anti-oxidant, which can protect the skin from free radicals.

Having friends know the various benefits to the skin over the rice, it is time to see how to use rice companions for skin care:

* As Rice Body Scrub
2 tablespoons rice flour or use rice that has been ground smooth
3 thumb-sized vertebra turmeric
2 thumb-sized segment kencur

Campurkanlah materials that have been smoothed over everything first, then add a little warm water to mix ingredients such as pasta had become, if it resembles the exact form, this herb has been prepared for use as a body scrub.

NB: Before taking herbal rice. should clean the body first, and use olive oil all over its body, and set aside to soak in the skin, after which it was to apply the scrub all over the body with a circular motion until dry. Let stand a few minutes and rinse with warm water.

* Rice As Masks
Wash the rice first, then soak the rice overnight
Strain, and throw rice that has been soaked in water overnight
Tumbuklah rice tekah screened earlier, until smooth
Jemurlah rice powder to dry before

Mix the rice that had been dried before with honey, then stir until blended, then oleslah rice mask last until blended into the face is clean, you should avoid the area around the eyes, then diamkanlah for a few minutes until it is completely dry about 20 minutes. Then rinse with cold water.