5 Health Problems Can Make People Shame and Solutions (1)

Every person who lives must have experienced health problems in his life, whether mild or severe flu-like and deadly as cancer. In addition, there are also health problems that make people embarrassed.

The following health problems that could make people feel embarrassed, as reported by the Mirror, Thursday (12/12/2013):

1. smelly feet
 "Chronic foot odor is very embarrassing and can affect anyone," says podiatrist Lorraine Jones. Foot odor caused by perspiration because of wearing shoes all day. The sweat mixes with bacteria on the skin that produce foul odors.

The solution, washing times twice a day with antibacterial soap. Try not to use the same shoes two days in a row in order to give a chance to dry out shoes.

2. bad breath
  Halitosis or chronic bad breath is usually caused by bacteria in the mouth break down food particles and release the gas smell. Gum disease can also cause bad breath. Other causes include metabolic complaints, sinusitis and gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining). It can also be associated with diabetes is out of control.

The solution, brush your teeth twice a day, clean the tongue and routine dental cleanings.

3. Stress incontinence (wetting when under pressure such as coughing or sneezing)
  "This is because a small amount of urine in the bladder 'leak' when you suddenly under pressure, such as coughing," said urologist Dr. Rebecca Small. This condition is usually caused by weakening of the pelvic floor muscles due to childbirth and menopause.

The solution, the doctor will usually recommend a patient to perform Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles in the bladder or injections, and even surgery. If your body index more than 30, then losing weight can help.

4. hot flushes
 Rosacea (red face) causes persistent redness in the face and small inflamed bumps, plus the veins are damaged and sometimes swelling. In the most extreme cases, this may cause the area to become red lumpy face, most commonly on the nose.

There are several triggers that worsen rosacea, such as stress, alcohol, exercise and too much spicy food. Topical and oral antibiotics can help this condition.

5. snore
   Not only an embarrassment, these conditions often make a person less sleep. The causes can vary as abnormalities in the anatomy of the jaw and throat, because sleeping on your back or it could be due to the presence of polyps in the nose.

This problem could be one of the early symptoms of respiratory distress at night. You should consult with your doctor if this continues and is disturbing sleep.