lice removal tips hair naturally

In addition to using no way to eliminate lice shampoo hair the more effective the other with natural ingredients . Head lice is very annoying , especially if you've made ​​an itch in the head . Surely everyone will be scratching your scalp with itching it hard to quickly disappear . But you know , just when you are scratching your head that's going to happen irritation and sores on the scalp . For that do not scratch the scalp with harsh , you should use a variety of ways to eliminate head lice naturally that I will share this time . Immediately following are some ways to eradicate lice naturally fast .
1 . Eucalyptus oil + lemon juice

The way the mix 4 tablespoons of eucalyptus oil with lime juice , mix well then smeared the mixture on your scalp and hair evenly . Let stand for about 2 hours then rinse hair thoroughly , you can also shampooing cleaner .
2 . shallots

Namely how to sublimate 5 spring onions then smeared on the base to the tip of the hair . After the massage was done slowly so that it can be evenly onion dirambut you . The next step that is set aside for 1-1.5 hours , and the last step the wash to clean and remove the smell of onion .
So please try 2 ways to eliminate head lice infestation above to overcome along terlunya . Do the above routine in order to maximize results . In this way then you do not need to use shampoo every day to eliminate them . Hopefully this time the information can be useful to you , good luck and good luck

2 komentar

  1. maggie.danhakl@healthline.com22 Agustus 2014 pukul 17.24


    I hope all is well. I wanted to bring to your attention a resource for lice that I think would be a great addition to you site. Healthline has a lice buyer’s guide that allows you to find the best lice treatment for your family.

    You can see the guide here:

    I am writing to ask if you would include this as a resource on your page:

    Our buyer’s guide for lice products allows users to search for lice treatments in 5 different categories, view ratings and reviews for specific products, and receive information on where to purchase products.

    Please consider adding this as a resource to your site as I believe it would be great value to your users.

    I’m happy to answer any additional questions.

    Thanks so much,
    Maggie Danhakl • Assistant Marketing Manager
    p: 415-281-3124 f: 415-281-3199

    Healthline • The Power of Intelligent Health
    660 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94107 | @Healthline | @HealthlineCorp

    About Us:

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